“BlackRock is a publicly traded company, and its 5 largest individual investors are, in order: Susan Wagner, Larry Fink (CEO), Robert Kapito, J. Richard Kushel, and Murry S. Gerber. All are jewish Zionists.”
“Our power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.”
“We shall absolutely control the media, so that not a single announcement will ever reach the public without our control. In this way we shall have a sure triumph over our opponents, for without the media, they are helpless.”
“We will distract the brainless heads with vain conceptions, fantastic theories, rotten amusement, games and filthy passions, so that they will be unable to use what intellect they have. They will never suspect that they have been stage managed by us.”
“We shall establish huge monopolies so that all will go to ruin when the political smash-up comes. We must at all cost, deprive them of their lands, we must lower wages and raise the price of all necessities of life.”
“We shall create an economic crisis, which will stop dealings in all exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall throw onto the streets whole mobs of workers, simultaneously, all over the world, who will rush to loot property and delight to shed blood.”
“In our government, besides ourselves, there must only be the mass of enslaved people, a few billionaires devoted entirely to us, police and soldiers. To do this we must create chaos and hostilities and we must use all deceit, treachery and falseness possible. Our greatest weapon is the media.”
Quotations from ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ - a text which, if you search for it on online, you’ll find universally condemned as an anti-semitic forgery. I advance no claims for its validity as a historical document, nor for its spuriousness. But I’d ask you whether, after reading the above citations (or the complete text, by clicking on the hyperlink) you see any application of its prescriptions in the present globalist hegemonic order, under which the crimes of Israel - and the international financial cartel which supports it, and has set its stamp upon every corner of the inhabited world - are pardoned or concealed.
Reflections on the Influence of jewish supremacy, or Zionism, in the Collective West
The philosophy of jewish supremacy, or Zionism, extends through every major power-center in the western hemisphere. All reigning western institutions, beginning with The Vanguard Group and BlackRock, the world’s two largest investment firms, with combined assets totaling around 20 trillion USD (with 10.5 trillion managed by BlackRock, and around 8.6 trillion by Vanguard) are pillars of the wider Zionist project. This project may be defined as 1. the maintenance of a jewish State and jewish hegemony in the west via direct investment, propaganda, militarism, and the infiltration of foreign governments for the achievement of the same ends; and 2. a belief in the divinely ordained supremacy of the jewish people over all other nations of the earth, founded on citations from the Old Testament and Talmud, of which these verses in Deuteronomy 7 are a famous example:
‘For thou art a special people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.’ Deuteronomy 7:6
‘And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them…’ Deuteronomy 7:16
‘And the Lord thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beast of the field increase upon thee.’ Deuteronomy 7:22
This assessment of the relative value of gentile and jewish life extracted from the Talmud - the most authoritative text of halakah, or jewish law - goes some way to explaining the enormous disregard for Muslim and Christian life evinced in Israel’s recent assaults on Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Iran:
It also explains events like the open celebration by Israeli jews of gruesome murders of Palestinian children, like that of 18-month old baby Ali Dawbsheh, “who was burnt alive by Jewish terrorists in the West Bank town of Duma in 2015”:
Were there before any doubts as to the widespread and extraordinary influence of this ideology, acting internationally and on all major centers of corporate and governmental power, this last year has certainly set them to rest. But there’s no need to confine ourselves to a survey of those eleven months alone. Jewish supremacy, with all its interminable and ghastly wake of mass-displacement, manipulation and slaughter, has been on daily display since the initial jewish occupation of Palestinian land beginning in the late 19th century. Just last month, to rescue four jewish hostages, Israeli jews murdered 274 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, in an operation the U.S. Secretary of State and jewish Zionist fanatic Antony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of Defense and former board member of the BlackRock-and-Vanguard-owned weapons-manufacturer Raytheon, Lloyd Austin, and number-one recipient of jewish Zionist money, U.S. President Joe Biden, called a resounding success. To date, 116 jewish hostages have been returned to Israel. According to a recent analysis published in The Lancet, this has been achieved at the cost of around 200,000 Palestinian lives, predominantly women and children. Which of us hasn’t witnessed on our phones examples of the most infernal sadism and psychopathy, inflicted on unarmed and impoverished men, women and children, by a satanic and supremacist people - shooting at them from walls topped with razor-wire, and bombing them from planes and drones? And what has been done to stop this evil? What power must one have to perpetrate a genocide on live-stream, in front of the entire world, with smug impunity?
A minor but illustrative example of the immense geopolitical influence of this depraved ideology occurred last month in the fifty-eight standing ovations given to Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu in his hour-long address to the United States Congress. That the lead actor in a genocide - an application for whose arrest was lately submitted by ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan KC on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity - could walk into the United States Congress and receive a standing ovation for every minute of his speech, is a fearful testament to jewish supremacy’s international power. An investigation into the roots of that power is indispensable if it is to be effectually confronted and uprooted. The following short paragraphs are intended as a faint and partial adumbration of a web of influence whose efficacy relies, to a great extent, on its concealment from the public eye. But as I remarked in some recent verses:
The influence Israeli wealth
Obtains, for Israel’s sake, by stealth
Over our arts and politics – in years
Of peace unseen – in war too plain appears,
When gentile blood is weighed with jewish tears.
BlackRock and The Vanguard Group
‘BlackRock and/or Vanguard are among the three largest institutional investors for 505 out of 505 of the S&P 500 (100%). One or the other is the single largest institutional investor in 422 of these (84%).’
To illustrate the interdependence of these firms, Vanguard, the smaller of the two, is BlackRock’s largest shareholder. As a private company, the identities of The Vanguard Group’s primary investors are closely veiled; yet evidence points to the Rothschild Investment Corp and Edmond De Rothschild Holding - both owned by members of the world’s most powerful jewish Zionist family, the Rothschilds - as shadowy members of that elite club. To give some notion of its immense power, this family may claim to itself exclusive credit for the existence of the modern state of Israel, and for the various waves of stealth-migration and colonization preceding its establishment. The infamous Balfour Declaration - a 1917 public statement from the British Government expressing support for the creation of a jewish state in Palestine - was addressed by the Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, Baron de Rothschild. Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, ‘the father of jewish colonization of Palestine,’ was the principle funder of the first major jewish colony in that country, Rishon-Le-zion, via grants disbursed to its leader, Joseph Feinberg. He went on to finance over thirty additional colonies between 1880 and 1895. These initial jewish colonies were administered by the Jewish Colonization Association, underwritten exclusively by Baron Rothschild. Later, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (Pica) was established by Mr. James de Rothschild, M.P., the Baron’s eldest son, to assume administration of the jewish colonies in Palestine. This same James de Rothschild financed the construction of Israel’s parliamentary building, the Knesset. Dorothy Rothschild, his widow, financed the construction of Israel’s Supreme Court.
Together with BlackRock, The Vanguard Group’s role as chief shareholder in all major weapons manufacturers (a fact we’ll examine in the coming paragraphs), makes it fundamental to the provision of military supplies to the genocidal state of Israel.
But if The Vanguard Group’s chief investors remain unknown, BlackRock is a publicly traded company, and its 5 largest individual investors are, in order: Susan Wagner, Larry Fink (CEO), Robert Kapito, J. Richard Kushel, and Murry S. Gerber. All are jewish Zionists.
BlackRock and Vanguard are also the two largest shareholders in The New York Times, Fox, CBS, ABC (via Walt Disney), CNN (via AT&T), NBC and MSNBC (via Comcast), among many, many others.
The two largest shareholders of Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, are also BlackRock and Vanguard. The two founders of Google are both jewish Zionists (Larry Page and Sergey Brin).
Zionism on Wall Street
Zionism in the Media
Zionism in Hollywood
Zionism in the Music Industry
Zionism in Advertising
Zionism in the Porn Industry and support for its use, along with rape and sexual torture, in official Israeli military strategy
The influence of jewish Zionism in the porn industry is similarly titanic. Pornhub is owned by the jewish Zionist rabbi Solomon Friedman. OnlyFans is owned by jewish Zionist Leonid Radvinsky.
The disproportionate ‘jewishness’ of pornography can be traced to its inception as a major industry in the United States in the mid 20th century, and even to its earlier incarnations in 19th century erotica. In the 2004 winter edition of The Jewish Quarterly, jewish Zionist academic Nathan Abrams penned the aptly titled essay ‘Triple Exthnics’, in which he remarks the following:
"A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood's seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we'd prefer that the 'triple exthnics' didn't exist, but there's no getting away from the fact that secular Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the 'true blue' Jews. Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotic dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant jews of German origin… In the postwar era, America's most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the 'Walt Disney of Porn'. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country. It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry; he was the industry. Many are entirely secular, Jews in name only. Sturman, however, identified as a Jew - he was a generous donator to Jewish charities."
Yet Abrams also speculates on the darker motivations of jews’ production and propagation of pornography - motivations which recall the above epigraphical citation from the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’:
"Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism." Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America.
Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having "to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an 'up yours' to these people."
These confessions are extremely telling, and apologists for pornography would be well to take them seriously. Nor is the jewish weaponization of pornography absent from their atrocities in Palestine:
A notorious tactic of humiliation practiced by the IDF in Gaza involves seizing Palestinian television stations and broadcasting graphic and violent pornographic films to demoralize the house-bound families.
According to an 2024 article publish in Wordcrunch magazine, it is “no secret that Israeli adult film actors inscribed their names on the missiles sent to Gaza, including Michael Lucas, owner of pornography production studio Lucas Entertainment.”
And many of us are familiar with the sickening social-media trend of IDF soldiers posing with the lingerie of murdered Palestinian women - another example of jewish Zionism’s conscious weaponization of pornography to undermine traditional Muslim and Christian values, while humiliating its victims.
These telling examples of a superficial depravity, are mere ripples of a far darker and more radical current of evil, running not through a select cohort of IDF soldiers or commanders, but the whole of Israeli civil and military society - even to the Knesset. Israel’s recent ‘pro-rape riots’, following the arrests of nine IDF soldiers on charges of gang-rape and sexual torture (acts captured on video), are the latest example of an institutionalized perversity supported by citations from jewish scriptures which condone the rape of gentiles as legitimate jewish practice - as in this passage from The Mishneh Torah, Forbidden Intercourse 12:10:
“If, by contrast, a Jewish male enters into relations with a gentile woman, when he does so intentionally, she should be executed. She is executed because she caused a Jew to be involved in an unseemly transgression, as [is the law with regard to] an animal. [This applies regardless of] whether the gentile women was a minor of three years of age, or an adult, whether she was single or married. And it applies even if [the Jew] was a minor of nine years old, [she is executed].
This [punishment] is explicitly mentioned in the Torah, as [Numbers 31:16-17] states: "Behold they were [involved] with the children of Israel according to the advice of Balaamו. Execute any woman fit to know a man through lying with a male.""
Passages like these have been used by no less than the chief rabbi of the Israeli military, Rabbi Colonel Eyal Karim, to justify the rape of gentiles during war:
A March 2012 article by Israeli journalist Yossi Gurvitz provides details of the Rabbi’s remarks:
“Following comments doubting whether rape was the issue of the Rabbi’s answer, I post here the question that he was asked:
Is it allowed in our days [sic] for an IDF soldier, for example, to rape girls during a fight, or is such a thing forbidden?
Rabbi Qarim answered thus:
“The wars of Israel […] are mitzvah wars, in which they differ from the rest of the wars the nations wage among themselves. Since, essentially, a war is not an individual matter, but rather nations wage war as a whole, there are cases in which the personality of the individual is “erased” for the benefit of the whole. And vice versa: sometimes you risk a large unit for the saving of an individual, when it is essential for purposes of morale. One of the important and critical values during war is maintaining the army’s fighting ability […]
As in war the prohibition against risking your life is broken for the benefit of others, so are the prohibitions against immorality and of kashrut. Wine touched by gentiles, consumption of which is prohibited in peacetime, is allowed at war, to maintain the good spirit of the warriors. Consumption of prohibited foods is permitted at war (and some say, even when kosher food is available), to maintain the fitness of the warriors, even though they are prohibited during peacetime. Just so, war removes some of the prohibitions on sexual relations (gilui arayot in the original – YZG), and even though fraternizing with a gentile woman is a very serious matter, it was permitted during wartime (under the specific terms) out of understanding for the hardship endured by the warriors. And since the success of the whole at war is our goal, the Torah permitted the individual to satisfy the evil urge (yetzer ha’ra in the original -YZG), under the conditions mentioned, for the purpose of the success of the whole.”
The Torah passage mentioned by Rabbi Qarim is from Deuteronomy 21:10 - 14:
The arrests of these nine soldiers (the result of intense diplomatic pressure exerted by western governments) followed a report by the United Nations Human Rights Office that at least 53 Palestinian detainees had died in Israeli custody since October 7th, and that Palestinian prisoners were being subjected to routine and systemic torture, including “severe beatings, electrocution, being forced to remain in stress positions for prolonged periods, waterboarding… the forced nudity of both men and women; beatings while naked, including on the genitals; electrocution of the genitals and anus; being forced to undergo repeated humiliating strip searches; widespread sexual slurs and threats of rape… the inappropriate touching of women by both male and female soldiers…. inserting objects into detainees’ anuses..” and “routine” amputations of limbs “due to injuries caused by harsh shackling by the IDF.” The report also found that most of the “Palestinian men, women, children, doctors, journalists and human rights defenders” jailed by Israel were being held “without charges or trial” and in deplorable conditions.
When news of these soldiers’ arrest reached the Israeli public, the prisons in which they were held were violently stormed by mobs of enraged settlers, including members of the Knesset. This circumstance might induce belief that the settlers and parliamentarians acted out of disgust at the crimes imputed to the inmates, or to inflict on them their own form of public justice. But this would be too hastily inferred. It was not in fury at their crimes, but at their detention, and to demand their immediate release - and, more than this, to clamor for the further raping of Palestinian prisoners by the IDF - that these settlers acted, with swift success, to force the majority of the soldiers’ liberation, with public backing from the most powerful members of the Israeli government. As Al Jazeera reports:
An article in Democracy Now adds the following:
“+972 Magazine's Oren Ziv, who was at one of the bases reporting on the events, says that the support of Israeli political leaders, including some members of the Knesset who participated in the riots, and the apathy of the military police all indicate that those protesting against the soldiers' charges are “the face of the state,” expressing what are “mainstream” views in Israeli society. We also speak to Diana Buttu, a Palestinian human rights attorney who has interviewed some of the torture victims and says the extent of their abuse is “appalling.” She calls Sde Teiman a “concentration camp” that the entirety of Israeli society and the international community are “complicit” in.”
The nine soldiers’ arrest was also the pretense of a shocking debate in the Knesset, in which the legitimacy of rape as a right of jews to be exercised on Muslim and Christian prisoners of war, was publicly advocated by Israeli members of parliament. An article in Peoplesworld.org reports:
Video of the exchange may be seen here:
In the wake of the soldiers’ arrests, Israel’s finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, published a statement lauding the rapists as heroes and demanding their release:
The pro-rape riots were similarly sanctioned by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who wrote the following post on social media:
Meanwhile, Israeli journalist Yehuda Schlesinger urged the raping of Palestinian prisoners to be enshrined in state policy.
Taken together, these examples demonstrate entrenched support in Israel for the weaponization of rape in war, founded on scriptural assessments of the racial inferiority of gentiles: an inferiority which sanctions their rape and murder by jewish soldiers.
Israel as an international haven for pedophiles is another subject, which - though I won’t touch it here - is sufficiently notorious.
Zionism in the Ivy League
The recent successful campaign of jewish Zionist investment bankers - led by Harvard alumnus Bill Ackman - to depose the gentile presidents of Harvard, UPenn and Columbia over their insufficiently draconian responses to the student protests against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, is the latest chilling example of jewish Zionism’s threat to academic freedom.
Zionism and Big Pharma
When we recall that BlackRock and Vanguard are the two largest shareholders in all major Big Pharma companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck, and that jews represent 2.4% of the U.S. population, and 0.2% of the world population, the following list of senior government officials and corporate officers during the Covid-19 pandemic, who are jewish Zionists, is striking:
Head of Operation Warp Speed - David A. Kessler
CDC Director - Rochelle Walensky (since replaced by Mandy Cohen, another jewish Zionist)
CDC Deputy director – Anne Schuchat
CDC Chief of Staff – Sherri Berger
CDC Chief Medical Officer – Mitchell Wolfe
CDC Director of the Washington Office - Jeff Reczek
Covid Czar – Jeff Zients
Covid Senior Advisor – Andy Slavitt
Assistant Secretary for Health - Rachel Levine
CEO and Chairman of Pfizer – Albert Bourla
Pfizer Chief Scientist - Mikael Dolsten
Moderna Chief Scientist – Tal Zaks
Johnson & Johnson Chief Scientist - Joanne Waldstreicher
Merck Chief Scientist - Michael Rosenblatt
The Opioid Epidemic
The chief culprit behind the opioid epidemic in the United States, which continues to claim over 100,000 lives per year in that country alone, is the infamous jewish Zionist Sackler family. Its members have not only served no prison time for their coordinated campaign to mass-prescribe and then conceal the effects of their drug OxyContin, but were recently granted immunity from lawsuits filed on behalf of its victims - another example of the extraordinary impunity enjoyed by members of this exalted and powerful caste of international criminals.
Gender Ideology
The principle funder of the ‘Trans Movement’ - an ideology advocating the chemical and physical castration of children, children’s drag-shows, and the reclassification of pedophilia as a ‘sexual orientation’ - is also a jewish Zionist: Jennifer (né James) Pritzger. He is followed closely by another jewish Zionist - United Therapeutics founder Martine Rothblatt, author of the 2011 book ‘From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form’, and the top-earning CEO in the bio-pharmaceutical industry in 2018, who has compared the male/female gender binary to South Africa under Apartheid - an ironic simile, given her support for apartheid in Israel. Following these are two other jewish Zionists: George and Alexander Soros.
Besides frankenstein-like operations to mutilate and excise the breasts and testicles of young children (images of these surgeries and their results are too horrific to include here, but those unconvinced of their barbarity should investigate independently) Big Pharma feeds off the ‘Trans Movement’ via the life-long hormonal treatments prescribed to arrest the development of pre-pubescent children. The most common of the so-called ‘puberty blockers’ - Goserelin (Zoladex), Histrelin (Supprelin LA), Leuprolide (Lupron Depot-Ped, Fensolvi) and triptorelin (Trelstar, Triptodur) - given to children as young as 10 years old, have been long-prescribed to chemically castrate sexually violent male prisoners. The drugs have been linked to various forms of cancer and osteoporosis, and have been banned or restricted in much of Europe, beginning with Finland in 2020 and extending to Denmark, Sweden and the UK, with France now proposing its own ban on the drugs, whose prescription many are now calling among the greatest scandals in modern medical history. The UK’s ban came just over a year after the forced-closure of Tavistock, formerly the world’s largest pediatric gender clinic, after an independent review found it guilty of clinical negligence (including hasty referrals for hormone-replacement therapy and ‘reassignment surgeries’) and the psychological manipulation of developmentally challenged children.
As The Guardian noted at the time:
There was enormous pressure to “process referrals rapidly”, or, more bluntly, refer children on to endocrinologists who would prescribe puberty-blocking drugs.
Sometimes – though not often – this would happen after just an hour or two, staff said. Procedures for gaining consent to these potentially life-altering treatments were inadequate, and many of these children, staff explained, were vulnerable. Many were autistic. Many had been bullied, in some instances after coming out as gay. Most were unhappy. These children had complicated lives, and sometimes had suffered horrendous abuse or trauma. But this wasn’t always explored properly before referring for medication.
In a small minority of cases, it’s difficult to properly convey just how troubled these children were. Some were non-verbal. Some could not read or write. Others even identified as another race.
At about the same time, legal proceedings against the Tavistock trust questioned whether children could properly consent to treatment with puberty blockers. Keira Bell, the lead claimant, was referred for the drugs after just three or four appointments. She was also prescribed testosterone while under Gids’s care. A double mastectomy followed via adult services and, aged 22, she regretted it all. No alternatives had been explored by the service at the time, she said.
That the ‘trans-movement’ is especially focused on the indoctrination, sexualization and monetization of children is also obvious from its obsession with staging drag-shows for audiences as young as six-months (many featuring nudity, highly sexualized language, and BDSM), and its infiltration of preschool-curricula. Take this 2024 course-description from Hillside Elementary, tailored for its kindergarten class:
Regarding the promotion of sexualized drag-shows for young children: the promotion of any adult entertainment for children is bizarre - and, since such promotion has lately become common and calculated, it’s reasonable to ask why.
The Movement’s Beginnings
Ironically, Magnus Hirschfeld, the first doctor to prescribe castration and other experimental surgeries to reassign a person’s gender - that of Einar Wegener, later known as Lili Elbe - was also a jewish Zionist. A glowing review of his legacy in The Guardian ends with this scandalous admission regarding the fate of his patient:
“Nothing has survived of the exact discussions between Elbe and Hirschfeld, but under Hirschfeld’s supervision, Elbe underwent surgery for removal of the testicles in Berlin, before three further operations in Dresden. The final and fatal procedure was a womb transplant, many decades before the development of medicines to prevent organ rejection. Elbe died of heart failure on 13 September 1931.”
As of 2016, many decades after the development of medicines to prevent organ rejection, mortality rates for adult subjects of gender-reassignment surgery lingered on at a staggering 10%, with an average age at death of 53.5 years.
To date, the most extensive follow-up of recipients of transgender surgery —found that 10 - 15 years post-op, the suicide rate stood at 20 times that of their non-operated peers. The slogan ‘gender-affirming care saves lives’ is a cruel lie propagated for the expansion of Big Pharma’s profit-margins, scrawled in the blood of the innocent people it’s deceived, mutilated and killed.
But with the backing of all major banks, governments, intelligence agencies, and media corporations, gender-theory propaganda has persuaded many well-meaning people that by supporting the chemical and physical castration of children, subjecting them to mutilating surgeries, and allowing men into women’s sports, locker-rooms, bathrooms and prisons, they are fighting for an oppressed minority. In reality, ‘Trans Healthcare’ is a cunning euphemism for conversion therapy, and the trauma it’s inflicted - and continues to inflict - on children and adolescents will ripple on through generations.
Zionism in the Federal Government
To illustrate the influence of jewish Zionists in the Federal Government of the United States, American jews represent 2.4% of the U.S. population. Yet, of the 26 members of Joe Biden’s cabinet, 12 (46%), are jewish Zionists (if we include Kamala Harris, via her marriage to jewish Zionist Doug Emhoff).
These are:
Antony Blinken – Secretary of State (his Deputy, Wendy Sherman, is also a jewish Zionist)
Janet Yellen – Treasury Secretary
Merrick Garland – Attorney General
Avril Haines – Director of National Intelligence
Alejandro Mayorkas – Secretary of Homeland Security
Jeff Zients – Chief of Staff (preceded by another jewish Zionist, Ron Klain)
Jared Bernstein – Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors
Eric Lander – Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy
Isabel Guzman – Administer of the Small Business Administration
Miguel Cardona – Secretary of Education
Linda Thomas-Greenfield – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Kamala Harris – Vice President (via her marriage to jewish Zionist Doug Emhoff)
Zionist Political Donors
The biggest donor to the Democratic Party is Alexander Soros (sometimes overtaken by Michael Bloomberg, also a jewish Zionist). The biggest donor to the Republican Party is also a jewish Zionist (Miriam Adelson).
On the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans, 67% are jewish Zionists. Again, American jews represent just 2.4% of the general population.
Zionism, Neoconservatism, and U.S. Wars in the Middle East
The chief exponents of Neoconservatism (a foreign policy school inspired by the political philosophy of jewish Zionist theorist Leo Strauss, and the ideological justification for American-led wars profitable to Israel in the Middle East) are overwhelmingly comprised of jewish Zionists. These include: Bill Kristol, Irving Kristol, David Frum, Henry Kissinger, Victoria Nuland, Bret Stephens, Thomas Friedman, William Kagan, Kimberly Kagan, Paul Wolfowitz, Eliot Cohen, Antony Blinken, Max Boot, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Bremer, Ken Adelman, Mark Dubowitz, Reuel Marc Gerecht, Douglas Feith, and Jeffrey Goldberg among many others. That U.S. foreign policy should be overwhelmingly directed by Zionist jews, and also involve successive wars against Israel’s enemies in the Middle East, would certainly be a remarkable coincidence. Why, for example, the war against Iraq in 2003? Speaking at a foreign policy panel on the ‘war on terror’ at the University of Virginia on September 10th, 2002, Philip Zelikow, a jewish Zionist advisor to George W. Bush, put it this way:
Philip Giraldi penned a brilliant assessment of jewish influence on U.S. foreign policy in The Unz Review in 2017 - an article which led to his immediate termination from The American Conservative: ironic, certainly, in light of its opening paragraphs:
“I spoke recently at a conference on America’s war party where afterwards an elderly gentleman came up to me and asked, ‘Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the room? Nobody has mentioned Israel in this conference and we all know it’s American Jews with all their money and power who are supporting every war in the Middle East for Netanyahu? Shouldn’t we start calling them out and not letting them get away with it?’
It was a question combined with a comment that I have heard many times before and my answer is always the same: any organization that aspires to be heard on foreign policy knows that to touch the live wire of Israel and American Jews guarantees a quick trip to obscurity. Jewish groups and deep pocket individual donors not only control the politicians, they own and run the media and entertainment industries, meaning that no one will hear about or from the offending party ever again. They are particularly sensitive on the issue of so-called “dual loyalty,” particularly as the expression itself is a bit of a sham since it is pretty clear that some of them only have real loyalty to Israel.”
Closing Thoughts
It is worth noting that advocates for resistance against jewish Zionism in the west are given reflexively to cite jewish critics of Israel like Norman Finkelstein as bulwarks against anticipated charges of anti-semitism. Their reasoning goes: ‘jews also oppose the genocide of Palestinians: ergo, opposing the genocide of Palestinians isn’t anti-semitic.’ This reflexive appeal to jewish authority in critiques of Israel is misguided, however, when one considers that the majority of these critics, including Norman Finkelstein himself, do not support the liberation of Palestinians ‘from the river to the sea’, or even more anodyne movements like BDS. While Green Party Candidate Jill Stein has spoken in support of BDS and strongly condemns Israeli settlements and war crimes, she lacks any clear policy respecting the country, pleading ignorance on the question of the two-state versus one-state solution, and declaring only, in vague terms, the need “not to isolate Israel on this but to make this part of a transformed foreign policy where we apply the same standards across the board. So it’s not just Israel. It’s also Saudi Arabia, it’s also Egypt.” Asked whether she supports the existence of a jewish State in the Middle East, Stein has been non-committal. Considering Israel’s existential dependence on U.S. support, and the veto-proof power of Congress (thanks to Zionist campaign contributions via entities like AIPAC) to appropriate funds to Israel, her equivocation on these questions is telling. Since a core definition of Zionism is the belief in the right-of-existence of a Jewish state, Jill Stein’s prevarications make her, in essence, a non-committed Zionist, and not a voice for true Palestinian liberation or liberation from the wider Zionist movement internationally.
When advocates for Palestinian liberation, or the liberation of their own governments from the pernicious influence of Zionist infiltration, seek the support of jewish authorities from a fear of calumny, they advocate from a position of insecurity and expose the movement of resistance against international Zionism to neutralization and cooption.
Assassinations, 9/11, and Jeffrey Epstein
For those interested in the role of Israeli intelligence, colleagued with the CIA, in the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr.; and its role in the September 11th terror attacks (the pretext for taking out Israel’s enemies in the Middle East in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and now Iran, spearheaded by jewish Zionist neocons), I recommend ‘JFK: The Unspeakable’ by James W. Douglass.
For evidence that the two notorious jewish Zionist sex-traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghisleine Maxwell were Mossad assets and members of an international blackmail ring acting on behalf of the Israeli government to entrap western political leaders, businessmen and celebrities, see Whitney Webb’s journalism on this subject at Unlimited Hangout.
Claims of Israeli involvement in the attacks on 9/11 are compelling. Many are unaware, for example, that the hijackers’ identities were stolen from citizens of Saudi Arabia, and that their real identities or nationalities are unknown. Mossad has a richly documented history of disguising its agents as Arabs to carry out terror attacks in the Middle East. And when one considers who benefited from the attacks, and from the successive toppling of anti-Israel governments in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria which were their immediate result - reactions governed overwhelmingly, again, by jewish Zionist neocons in the Bush and Obama administrations - a picture is formed which, in the present context of Israel’s genocide against the people of Palestine, and its incessant provocations against Iran and Lebanon, we can no longer afford to ignore.
You are also very courageous, expressing what others dare not.
Incredibly well researched and articulated.